Cherry Class

Cherry Class


Spring 2

Knowledge Organiser


Spring 1

Knowledge Organiser


Autumn 2

Knowledge Organiser


Autumn 1

Knowledge Organiser


Summer 2

Knowledge Organiser


Summer 1

Knowledge Organiser


Spring 2

Knowledge Organiser


Spring 1

Knowledge Organiser


Autumn 2

Knowledge Organiser


Autumn 1

Knowledge Organiser


Summer 2

Knowledge Organiser


Summer 1

Knowledge Organiser


Spring 2

Knowledge Organiser


Spring 1

Knowledge Organiser


Autumn 2

Knowledge Organiser


Autumn 1

Knowledge Organiser

September Dates:

Home Visits on Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th September 2022.

Current children starting back on Thursday 8th September 2022.

New children starting on Monday 12th September 2022.

New children with later DOB's starting Monday 19th and Monday 26th September 2022.


Summer 2

Knowledge Organiser


Summer 1

Knowledge Organiser


Ark Farm Visit


World Book Day


Spring 2

Knowledge Organiser


Spring 1

Our topic for this half term is ‘Bears and Traditional tales’.

After Christmas we will be talking about seasonal changes and introduce ‘Winter’.

The children will have opportunities to play and explore in our outdoor and indoor provisions. The children will be exploring ice, freezing and melting water, they will be making snow paint and will learn how to make paper snowflakes. In our outdoor area, the children will be exploring the mud kitchen, sand and digging area, they will have opportunities for exploring our garden, looking at seasonal changes and opportunities to mark make using different tools and resources.

During this half term we will be reading these stories: ‘Polar Bear, Polar Bear What Do You Hear, ‘Goldilocks and Three Bears’ and ‘The Three Little Pigs’. Also we will be reading non-fiction books about polar bears and their habitats and winter.

We will be retelling the stories using actions and props and the children will learn how to retell a story by drawing a story map.

In mathematical development we will continue to learn to count to 5 and recognise numbers from 0 to 5. The children will sing nursery rhymes to support their counting and number recognition. We will also spend some time looking at comparing quantities and combining two groups (addition to 5).

We will be talking about being polite and saying please and thank you and how to be kind and helpful.

The children will have lots of opportunities for dancing, singing and opportunities for expressive art and design linked to our topic. The children will make winter pictures using chalk and paint on black paper. They will be exploring mixing colours adding white or black to blue to make light blue or dark blue colours– tinting/shading.


Photos from Autumn 2

Mrs Garwell has also put together a Christmas Home Learning Pack! Enjoy!


Autumn 2

Our topic for this half term is ‘Celebrations and Festivals’.

The children will have opportunities to play and explore in our outdoor and indoor provisions. The children will be exploring pumpkins, making pumpkin soup, making bread rolls and gingerbread biscuits. We will be tasting food from different countries and will be looking at different arts from different cultures. In our outdoor area, the children will be exploring the mud kitchen, sand and digging area, they will have opportunities for exploring our growing garden, looking at seasonal changes and opportunities to mark make using different tools and resources.

We will be learning about why we celebrate Bonfire Night, Remembrance Day and Christmas. Also we will be learning about why Hindus celebrate Diwali.

During this half term we will be reading these stories: ‘Rama and Sita’, ‘The Little Red Hen’, ‘The Gingerbread Man’ and ‘Christmas Story’. Also we will focus on finding and recognising rhyming words in stories and nursery rhymes.

We will be retelling the stories using actions and props and the children will learn how to retell a story by drawing a story map.

We will talk about why we celebrate Remembrance Day. We will watch a short programme on CBeebies and we will talk about how important it is to remember the soldiers that died during the wars. The children will make poppy displays in our classroom and outside in the playground.

In mathematical development we will continue to learn to count to 5 and recognise numbers from 0 to 3. You can ask the children if they can draw three stars, two circles, or zero people or if they can write the numerals 0, 1, 2 or 3. Can they show you three jumps, one star jump or zero hops? Can they find these numbers in their house?

We will be measuring objects and the children will be learning how to order items by height or length.

We will be talking about being polite and saying please and thank you and how to be kind and helpful.

The children will have lots of opportunities for dancing, singing and opportunities for expressive art and design linked to our topic. The children will make firework pictures using chalk and paint on black paper, we will decorate our paper hands and will make rangoli patterns. The children will use colourful scarves and will learn a dance to Indian music, they will also make small clay diva lamps.  

The last two weeks of this half term we will focus on Christmas. We will read the Christmas story and the children will make Christmas cards and calendars. They will also learn to sing lots of Christmas songs and perform to their parents.



Autumn 1

Our topic for this half term is ‘All about Me’.

During this half term we will talking about the children’s feelings and when or why we feel happy/sad/grumpy/scared/excited. We will talk about what makes us special and what the children can do in the classroom really well.

We will be talking about being polite and saying please and thank you and how to be kind and helpful. The children will be modelling fair play, turn taking, working together as a team, helping to tidy up at snack time, and clean after we finish playing.

Also, we will focus on how to initiate play and demonstrate friendly behaviour, initiating conversations and forming good relationships with peers and familiar adults.

The stories that we will be reading to support this are ‘The Colour Monster’, ‘The Colour Monster Goes to School’, ‘Brown Bear Brown Bear’, ‘Peace At Last’ and various non-fiction books about our bodies, feelings, families and healthy eating.

The children will be using different tools to explore mark making: sand, playdough, chalk, large brushes and water, mixing colours and scissor control activities. The children will have lots of opportunities for dancing, singing and opportunities for expressive art and design linked to our topic. We will play lots of phonics games and the main focus will be on listening environmental sounds, voice sounds, instrumental sounds and body percussion.

In maths the children will be learning about naming and identifying 2D shapes. The children will have opportunities to make models and patterns using various shapes.

We will learn to count and recognise numbers from 0 to 3. The children will have different opportunities to use various natural and handmade objects to practise counting, drawing and writing numbers. To support this we will be singing various nursery rhymes and reading stories.



Curriculum Day


Our topic for this half term is ‘Travel and journeys’.

During this half term we will be discussing different ways of travelling. The children will listen to each other’s experiences of a journey. They will learn how to distinguish between different forms of transport and begin to understand the processes involved in making a journey. We will be asking questions such as: Who has travelled by car, train, bus, plane or boat? Why have you travelled by car, bus, plane or boat? Which is the best way to travel if you are going on a holiday, to the shops, to visit your friend or family? How about if you want to travel very far?


The stories that we will be reading to support this are ‘The Train Ride’, ‘Mr Gumpy’s Outing’, ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’ and various non-fiction books about different transport and journeys.

The children will be using different tools to explore mark making: sand, playdough, chalk, large brushes and water, mixing colours, scissors control activities and they will continue to practise writing their names.

We will be drawing story maps to retell the stories and using a variety of junk modelling materials e.g. boxes, tubes, bottle tops etc. to make 3D models of cars, trains and boats.

We will talk about going on holiday to places that are very hot or cold.

In maths the children will be learning about naming and identifying 2D shapes. The children will have opportunities to make models using various shapes.

We will continue to learn to count to 10 and recognise numbers from 0 to 5. The children will have different opportunities to use various natural and handmade objects to practise counting, drawing and writing numbers. They will learn how to order numbers from 0 to 5. To support this we will be singing various nursery rhymes and reading stories.

The children will have lots of opportunities for dancing, singing and opportunities for expressive art and design linked to our topic. We will play lots of phonics games and the main focus will be on rhyme and rhythm, instrumental sounds and oral blending and segmenting. The children will be introduced to the first single sounds ‘m, a, t, s, d, i, n’.

We will be talking about being polite and saying please and thank you and how to be kind and helpful. The children will be modelling fair play and turn taking and working together as a team, helping to tidy up, at snack time and clean after we finish playing. Also, we will focus on how to initiate play and demonstrate friendly behaviour, initiating conversations and forming good relationships with peers and familiar adults. We will be talking about the children’s feelings, when or why we feel happy/sad/grumpy/scared/excited.  

Ark Farm Visit  - 28/04/2021


Our topic for this half term is ‘Growing and Animals. 

We will be learning about how to plant, grow and look after plants. In our both outdoor and indoor areas the children will plant their own vegetable seeds e.g. carrots, beans, beetroots, cabbages, onions and potatoes. They will also plant sunflower seeds and strawberry plants. The children will be learning how to look after our plants and what plants need to grow and stay healthy. The stories that we will be reading to support this are ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk’, ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ and various non-fiction books about plants.

In the second part of this half term we will focus on leaning about farm and wild animals. We start with the story ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ and that week we will be learning about farm animals. Then we will learn and talk about wild animals and we will be reading two stories ‘Handa’s Surprise’ and ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. 

In maths we will continue to learn to count to 10 and recognise numbers from 0 to 7. The main focus will be on recognising the numbers 6 and 7. The children will have different opportunities to use various natural and handmade objects to practise counting, drawing and writing numbers. To support this we will be singing various nursery rhymes and reading stories. We will be measuring objects and the children will be learning how to order items by height or length. Also the children will be introduced to sharing fairly. This will be delivered in lots of fun games and activities. We will be sharing food, toys and various objects. We will be making food, playing in the mud kitchen and we will set up a teddy bear picnic.

The children will have lots of opportunities for dancing, singing and opportunities for expressive art and design linked to our topic. We will play lots of phonics games and the main focus will be on rhyme and rhythm, instrumental sounds and oral blending. 

We will be talking about being polite and saying please and thank you and how to be kind and helpful. Also we will focus on how to initiate play and demonstrate friendly behaviour, initiating conversations and forming good relationships with peers and familiar adults. Also we will be talking about the children’s feelings, when or why we feel happy/sad/grumpy/scared/excited. 


Our topic for this half term is ‘Celebrations and Festivals’.

We will be learning about why we celebrate Bonfire night, Remembrance Day and Christmas. Also we will be learning about why Hindus celebrate Diwali.

During this half term we will be reading these stories: ‘The Little Red Hen’, ‘The Gingerbread Man’ and ‘Christmas Story’. Also we will focus on finding and recognising rhyming words in stories and nursery rhymes.

In maths we will continue to learn to count to 5 and recognise numbers from 0 to 3. We will be measuring objects and the children will be learning how to order items by height or length. The children will have lots of opportunities for dancing, singing and opportunities for expressive art and design linked to our topic.

We will be talking about being polite and saying please and thank you and how to be kind and helpful.


This week we have enjoyed sharing a new story, ‘The Little Red Hen’. The children enjoyed retelling the story using actions and props. We will continue reading the story next week.

In maths we are learning all about number 3. The children enjoyed lots of activities both indoor and outdoor. You can ask the children if they can draw three stars, three circles, or three people or if they can write the numeral 3. Can they show you three jumps, three star jumps or three hops? Can you find number 3 in your house?

On Wednesday we talked about why we celebrate Remembrance Day. We watched a short programme on Cbeebies and we talked about how important it is to remember the soldiers that died during the wars. We made lovely displays in our classroom and outside.

On Thursday and Friday the children learned about why Hindus celebrate Diwali. We made firework pictures using chalk and paint on black paper, we decorated our paper hands and made rangoli patterns. The children used colourful scarves and danced to Indian music, they also made small clay diva lamps.  

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