Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Our designated SENDCo is Mrs Smith.


Telephone:  01945 584867

Mrs Smith's working days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Click here for a document version of our School Information Report.

Cambridgeshire’s Local offer is published at:

Other Useful Information:

PinPoint Event Page

PinPoint Newsletter

Wisbech What's On

EIFA Workshop Offer

EIFA Newsletter

Health and Wellbeing - Easter Event Poster

Mental Health Support Team - Referral Information

Please use the link below to access a toy library where parents of children with SEND can borrow toys:

Parent Voice...


SENDIASS provide families with impartial information, advice and support in relation to their rights in relation to Special Educational Needs & Disabilities.

Families can view information on the SENDIASS Local Offer by visiting:

SENDIASS  also have a face book page which contains lots of updates and information about the service they offer.

  • What types of SEN do we provide for?

    Clarkson Infant and Nursery school is a fully inclusive school which ensures that all pupils achieve their full potential; personally, socially, emotionally and academically.  

    Some children may need further support over and beyond what the majority of children need.

    Children with additional needs can be considered as falling under 4 broad areas of need:

    • Communication and Interaction (Such as; Speech and language difficulties, Autistic spectrum disorder)
    • Sensory and/or physical needs (Such as; Hearing impairments, Visual impairments, Cerebral palsy, ADHD)
    • Cognition and Learning (Such as; Specific learning difficulty, Moderate learning difficulty, Global delay)
    • Social, emotional and mental health (Such as; Anxiety, Attachment)
  • How do we identify children with Special Educational Needs?

    Quality first Teaching for all children

    Concern - Fill in Initial Concern sheet with parent, agree actions trial for 4-6 weeks

    Review at 4-6 weeks 

    Meet/phone parent (continue on Initial concern sheet)

    If progress occurs, continue to monitor.

    If no progress, in agreement with parent  either:-      

    -trial another 2-3 week (based on attendance /consistency)

    -speak to SENDCo, who can then speak to parent about next steps (SENDCo observation, possible referral for Early help Assessment and Early Support) 

  • How do we consult with parents and children?

    • Meet with parents as soon as possible following concerns about progress or specific needs
    • Continue to consult with parents at regular intervals of their child’s education 
    • Parents are able to voice their concerns to teachers
    • Provide opportunities to discuss provision maps, reasonable adjustments or risk management plans
    • Parents of children with EHCP’s will be invited to attend an annual review meeting each year/6 months for Reception children
    • Parents of children with SEND are encouraged to keep in contact with the SENDCo to discuss their child’s needs.  This may be formally or informally 
    • Outside agencies will only be involved with parents permission and they will be asked for their input in completing referral forms 
    • We seek to gather pupil’s thoughts and opinions on their learning experience where ever possible
    • Referrals to speech and language therapists can be done at anytime and discussed at planning meetings

  • How do we assess and review children’s progress?

    • A provision map is written and shared termly between parents and a class teacher. The child is also given an opportunity to feed into these plans. 
    • Targets are written and reviewed in consultation with parents and pupils and use the Assess, Plan Do review cycle.
    • Any outside agencies recommendations are also added into the support plan.
    • Annual or 6 monthly reviews for children with Education Health and Care Plans are organised by the SENCO.
  • How do we prepare for transition?

    This process is similar with your child is moving from:

    • Nursery to Reception
    • Year Group to Year Group within our School 
    • Year 2 to Year 3 

    SENDCo will contact the nurseries and schools who have informed school of children with SEND needs.

    Visits are arranged, if possible, to the receiving school/class for children with SEND. Parents may also be invited.

    SENDCo passes on all information about the child to the new place of education, once confirmation is given that the child is attending the new setting.

    Meetings are organised by the present and receiving SENDCo/class teacher/head of key stage to discuss the child’s transition for parents and teachers.

    ‘All about me’ booklets are made by children showing their voice. While reasonable adjustments, provision maps and risk management plans are discussed. Transition booklets are prepared with photos of new staff and areas of the school. Staff also organise home visits for new children starting Nursery/Reception.

  • How do we teach children with SEN?

    • All children will receive high quality teaching and learning
    • All staff are responsible for every child
    • We use practical resources and visual aids to meet children’s learning needs
    • Staff are trained in a range of strategies including Identiplay and Attention Autism
    • Staff regularly assess small targets to identify next steps

  • How do we adapt the curriculum and environment?

    • By making reasonable adjustments depending on needs e.g. lowering handrails, making use of objects, use of visuals and smaller groups 
    • We implement support programs, with allocated staff and space, including recommendations from outside agencies e.g. speech and language and other SEND specialists
    • Staff are deployed to meet the needs of all children

  • How do we support children with SEN to access the curriculum?

    • Flexible arrangements to meet the child’s individual needs 
    • Accessing an enriched curriculum will be discussed with parents/carers and any other outside agencies so that accessible needs are met 
    • Additional risk assessments are carried out 
    • In-house training is organised to meet the needs of those children with SEND needs
    • We provide all staff with opportunities to attend training for specific needs when available
    • Adult and child ratios are carefully monitored 
    • Additional resources are supplied to support individuals when required e.g. pencil grips, emotionals/sensory baskets 
    • Alternative provision can be arranged for children who need extra support to access areas of the curriculum (in addition-Accessibility policy)
  • What expertise and training of staff do we have?

    The role of the SENDCo is to support the class teachers in planning for children with special educational needs and disabilities.  This includes providing and sourcing any training that is required.  The SENDCo is fully trained with the National SEN Award qualification and has passed the Nurture UK training. She is a DSL and holds the NPQSL. Examples of training provided for staff within the school includes:

    • Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking (De-escalation and behaviour support)
    • Trauma and Attachment
    • Word Aware (language programme)
    • Intensive Interaction
    • Identiplay
    • Attention Autism

    Staff will be deployed appropriately to make the best use of their skills.

    Staff are also trained, as necessary, to administer medical procedures when they are identified as being needed e.g. diabetes. This training is carried out by NHS professionals and is specific to individual children.

  • Securing equipment and facilities

    The school budget, received from Cambridgeshire County Council, includes money for supporting children with special educational needs. 

    The Headteacher and the SENDCo decide on personal resources, as well as training and support provision.

    We buy resources which meet the needs of our children e.g. sensory resources.

    For children requiring adaptive aids at school, we work with occupational health and physiotherapists to ensure equipment is accessible and used correctly.

    All files for children with SEND needs are safety secured in the SENDCo office.

  • How we evaluate provision?

    We are always seeking to make sure the provision we offer the children in our care is the best that we can provide.  

    Currently we do this by:

    • Reviewing the pupil’s individual progress towards their targets as outlined on their provision map each half term.
    • Reviewing the effectiveness of any intervention the child may be involved in.
    • Holding termly progress meetings where the children with SEND are discussed as well as the children who do not have SEND.
    • Holding annual reviews for pupils with EHCP’s, 6 monthly for children in Reception.
    • Staff, parent and pupil surveys

    In addition to this, the SENCO will monitor the effectiveness of provision by carrying out observations of teaching staff and Teaching Assistants and carrying out learning walks on a regular basis.

  • Engaging pupils with SEN to engage in activities for those without SEN

    • All children are entitled to be included in all parts of the school curriculum including after school activities and school trips 
    • Risk assessments are carried out for both on and off-site activities and this may include advice from specialist agencies
    • We work alongside parents and providers to make reasonable adjustments to ensure all children can access facilities and activities safely

  • How do we support children with SEND to improve their emotional and social development?

    Clarkson Infant and Nursery school takes the mental health and wellbeing of our pupils very seriously and we are continually developing our provision.  

    We offer a range of additional supports designed to improve emotional and social development including:

    • Meet and greet by staff in the mornings and at the end of the day
    • Access to play therapy and Nurture support
    • In- school family worker
    • Wow days
    • Reflection time
    • Visits
    • Alternative arrangements for lunchtimes including an extra outside area
    • Social group work interventions such as turn taking groups
    • Personal, Social, Health and Education Lessons 
    • After school clubs 
    • Circle times to encourage discussion/Talk partners
    • Topical assemblies

    Sharon Daniels is the school family worker.  

    She is available every morning and can often be found on the school gate.  

    If you are unable to catch her on the gate, please make an appointment to see her via the school office.  

    Alternatively, you can contact her on

  • What specialist agencies do we work with?

    The governors ensure the head teachers and SENCO make full use of finance and resources and require them to communicate with outside agencies where necessary.  

    The school will seek specialist advice and support where the resources of the school alone are not adequate to meet a child’s specific needs and where those needs are impacting significantly on their ability to learn.  

    We will always involve you as parents when we are required to call on outside agencies and we also give parents the opportunity to self-refer.

    We will help parents with the referral process to access support from:

    • SEND specialist services
    • Community paediatrics
    • Speech and language therapists
    • Educational Psychologists
    • Physiotherapists and Occupational therapists
    • Emotional and wellbeing team
    • The district teams (including family workers)
    • School nursing
    • CAMH
    • Younited 5-17
    • GP School or Prof.

  • What if I have a complaint?

    School has adopted Cambridgeshire County Council’s model complaints policy. This states that it is in everyone’s interest that concerns and complaints are resolved at the earliest possible stage. Many issues can be resolved informally, without the need to use the formal stages of the complaints procedure. Clarkson Infant and Nursery School takes concerns seriously and will make every effort to resolve the matter as quickly as possible. 

    If parents and carers have a concern or worry please talk, or write, to the class teacher or Headteacher in the first instance.

    The school’s full Complaints Procedure is available on the school website.

  • Who else can I contact in and around Wisbech for support and advice?

    SENDIASS (formerly Parent Partnership Service or PPS) offers impartial information, advice and support.

    You can contact the service in confidence. 

    They offer telephone advice and support on education, health and social care provision. 

    Advice and support will be offered for as long as it is needed. Telephone: 01223 699 214 



    Spectrum A parent led children's charity which organises events to support families of children with SEND. 01223 955 404

    Pinpoint gives help and information to parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-25 with additional needs and disabilities.  They engage and empower parents by running free events, workshops and training sessions and help them to ask for the services their children need.  They also work with statutory services as both a partner and a critical friend.


    Wisbech Locality Team run a number or parenting courses that may be of interest to parents. 

    Wisbech South child and Family centre, Elizabeth Terrace, Wisbech, PE13 2AQ

    Wisbech child and family centre, St Michaels Ave, Wisbech PE13 3NR

    01945 482989

    Speech and Language  -  

    Elaine Montgomery - Senior Specialist Speech and Language Therapist

    Paediatric Speech and Language Therapy

    07966 191374 or 0300 029 5050 

    Alice Elliott - Speech and Language Therapist

    07783 82607  

    Early Intervention Family Worker – Louisa Sergeant

    Alternative Education Provision & Inclusion SEND meetings Education: 07795453526

  • Contact details for raising concerns

    If you are concerned about your child’s learning, first make an appointment to speak to their class teacher. 

    They will then arrange for you to meet with the SENCo if required.

    Appointments can be made by contacting Clarkson Infant and Nursery School on:


  • Local authority offer

    The Cambridgeshire’s Local offer is published at: 

Clarkson Infant and Nursery School
01945 584867
Trafford Road,
PE13 2ES
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