Hamerton Zoo Trip
Hunstanton Trip
World Book Day
Christmas Panto 2021
Diwali Dancing 2021
Autumn 2
Welcome back to Autumn term 2.
We are so very excited this term to be learning all about Animals as we ask “do animals have super powers?”
The children will learn about animals, starting with naming and labelling animals and its key features. They then will widen their knowledge and recognise some animals they would not see in their everyday life. From here, the children will be able to recognise the similarities and differences and group them into different animal groups. The children will investigate what animals eat by taking part in a science experiment (recognising whether the animal poop has come from a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore). We will meet some real life animals, zoo lab and Miss R-J tortoise. We will learn about Animals habitats including making some habitats of our own.
In Art, Children will learn to observe and look closely at the animal/ bug and label part of the animal. We will then compare some artist work and discuss the similarities and differences. Finally children will create their own fantasy animal using all animal groups.
The children will continue to enjoy their daily Read, Write Inc lessons to develop their reading and writing skills. The children will also be writing key facts about animals developing their sentence structure.
In our daily Maths lessons we will be focusing on Solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects & pictorial representations and missing problems.
We will also stop to celebrate the Hindu festival of Diwali. The children will experience a special visitor coming to school teaching them the story of Rama and Sita inviting the children to learn the story through dance and actions.
Autumn 1
Welcome year 1 to your learning Zone. We believe you have an exciting year with us, full of joy filled, hands on learning.
The Autumn term begins with a Topic called “Who am I” We will ask questions about ourselves, using a book called “What makes me a me”. We will talk about similarities and differences, likes and dislikes of individuals. We will draw pictures of our family and share this in a circle time. In Geography we will learn about our local area (Wisbech) and explore places around our town using Goggle Earth. We will learn about different types of houses, where you will have the opportunity to share a picture of your house .We can learn about different styles of houses and their names e.g Detached house, bungalow, flat etc.….We will then design and build our house using; Lego, wooden bricks, Junk modelling and much more.
In Art we will learn how to sketch/ draw a self-portrait. You will have lots of fun taking photos of each other and looking at yourself in mirrors. We will use different materials such as chalk, paint, pencils and charcoal to create different styles of portraits based on the artist Roy Lichtenstein.
In Science we will learn about our bodies, and ask “what can our bodies do?” We will identify/ name our body, and what better way than to look at our school Skeleton (Don’t worry its pretend). We Plan to learn the skeleton dance song and hopefully to be able to name lots of bones in our body. To support this learning we will set up a doctors/ hospital role play where children can act out the role of the doctor or nurse.
We will then learn about our senses and how they help our bodies to process and learn new things. We will do this through tasting different foods, smelling different scents, and listening to everyday sounds.
At the end of this topic- We aim to make an “All about me book” where all of your learning will come together, we can’t wait to see these!
Curriculum Day
Welcome back for our final term of this school year.
Our focus for topic this half term is ‘Where would you go?’ We started our learning by thinking and discussing where in the world would we like to go, inspired by the story ‘You Choose’. So far within our topic learning we have been zooming in on the world and looking at geography. We have learnt the names of the 7 continents by learning a new song! We will continue this learning by looking at the United Kingdom in more detail. We will then move on and look at Africa and compare the similarities and differences. This will give the children opportunities to develop their knowledge of Africa and produce some fabulous landscape artwork. We are also planning to have some fun by exploring Africa’s culture looking at different musical instruments, which we are going to try out in school also!
In science this term we are going to revisit our materials learning. So far we have been on a material hunt around the classroom and have done lots of recognising and labelling the different materials of our everyday objects. By the end of this half term, we will be able to use our scientific knowledge to design and evaluate a suitable covering for a picnic basket, which is also inspired by a story called ‘The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch’.
Our History focus this term is comparing holidays from the past to today. This learning will consist of comparing activities and recognising the differences from holidays in the past and today. We have been lucky enough to receive some special postcards from Paddington Bear during his recent adventures. We are going to just be like Paddington Bear and write a postcard from our own adventures that we have chosen to go on. When designing our post card we are going to use our landscape artwork of the seaside as our front cover, which the children are currently designing in their art lessons.
Dear Families,
Please find attached vocabulary lists to help you to support your child with their learning in Maths for the rest of the half term. If you are consistent with the language used in school, it will help your children with their understanding.
In Year 1, the children’s learning will be focused on place value within 100 applying their knowledge of this year’s understanding to support them. After this, they will focus on learning about money and will progress to learning about multiplication and division.
Thank you for your continued support.
Dear Families,
Please find below, a link to some key vocabulary that we will be using in our Maths lessons this half term. These will be updated regularly in line with the learning we are completing in the classroom. Please look at the language and definitions to support your child with their Maths at home. The children will be using this language in school and therefore, it will support their knowledge of what each word means if we use them both at home and at school. If you need any further support with these lists and using the language at home, please do contact Miss Archibald via the Office.
Thank you!
W/C 1st March - Length
W/C 19th April
Number and Place Value
Ark Farm Visit - 28/04/2021
Summer 1
Welcome back Year One!
This term, we are going to learn about where our food comes from! We are going to be learning about what grows and lives on the farm and the food that animals and crops provides us with. We will use our knowledge of planting from last term to recognise how food grows and how we can look after it. As we progress through this half term, we are going to focus on the importance of healthy eating. We will look closely at different food groups to ensure we have a balanced diet. We will use this knowledge to help us design and make a healthy soup dish, including a fun tasting session!
Our focus in Art will be looking at the artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo. We will use his observational drawings of fruit to inspire our art pieces.
In our daily Maths lessons, we will initially focus on learning to count in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. Number is also going to be a main focus for us for the Summer term to ensure that all children are ready to progress in their learning and understanding after lots of time home learning over the past year. This will be to ensure children have a secure understanding of place value, all four operations and their ability to reason and have fluency with number facts. Please do look at our class page regularly for updated language lists linked to what we are learning about in the classroom.
We will have lots of exciting activities and ideas to keep you busy and make your learning fun, including a special visit from a farmer.
Spring 2
This term our topic is “What do plants need?” This will be full of practical planting and investigating flowers, plants and trees. We will learn about what a plant needs to grow and we will take care of our own plant and observe the changes over time. This week we have ignited children’s imagination with a castle role play and a trail of seeds in the classroom. We will move on to labelling a plant and naming common flowers and wild flowers. We will go on a hunt around the school grounds to find plants and wild flowers growing as well as exploring leaves and tress.
In English we will be learning the story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ using story telling puppets and the castle role play to rein act the story. We will story map our story and learn to retell it using actions. We will be exploring the text, learn about verbs and hopefully write our own version of the story.
In Maths we will be learning about measuring. We will learn to compare and order different lengths and heights. This will be very practical and children will measure themselves using string and compare the heights of children in the class. We continue to practise counting in 2’s and 5’s and will go on to learn to about capacity.
We will continue to partake in daily Read Write Ink lessons to develop reading and writing skills.
Spring 1
This half term our topic is ‘Toys in the Past’. We kick started our learning by looking at each other’s favourite toys and discussing the similarities and differences. Within our topic learning we will be learning about materials. This week we have been on a material hunt around the classroom and have done lots of recognising and labelling the different materials of our everyday objects. By the end of this half term, we will be able to use our scientific knowledge to categorise toys from today and the past into different material and properties groups. We will also look at how toys have developed over time and create a class toy timeline to represent this.
The children will develop their drawing skills in this topic, learning how to use shading and lines to make their drawings more effective. Our end goal in DT is to make our own toys, with a moving mechanism!
The children will continue to partake in their daily Read, Write Inc. lessons to develop their reading and writing skills (although these will look a little different this term!). Within our topic we will also be continuing with guided reading looking at the book ‘Lost in the Toy Museum’ by David Lucas. We started this story of by looking at the different images and comparing the toys in the story, in comparison to our own toys. We then moved onto learning about the different vocabulary in the text, as well as learning how to sequence the story using a story map. Within our next guided reading lessons, we will begin to write our own version of ‘Lost in the Toy Museum’.
During this next half term our topic question is ‘Do animals have super powers too?’ We have started off by reading the story ‘Super Worm’. From this, the children in year one have created their own story maps and acted out the story using different animals and story spoons.
We are then going on to discuss what pets we have (or what we would like to have) and identify their structures. After we have looked at animals we know, we are then going to look at animals we may not know and classify them into different animal groups. Resulting in an animal class fact book!
In Maths, we have been learning how to partition numbers using part part whole concept. E.g. the whole is 5 part is 3 and part is 2. We have been learning to write this addition sentence 3+2=5 .
We are going to continue learning about fact families to 10 so we can recognise which 2 numbers make 10. Later we will use the skills we have learnt and apply this to create subtraction number sentences.
The highlight so far has been the set-up of the vet role play area in our class. We have been acting out different roles in the vets from receptionists to performing operations!
On Wednesday we had an exciting day… we celebrated Diwali. A special visitor taught us the story of Rama and Sita, and then we learnt and performed the dance.