Parent Meeting Documents - Reading
Church Farm Trip
World Book Day
Autumn 2
This term, following on from the success of the Harvest Festival the children have decided to learn more about different celebrations and festivals. The children have also expressed an interest in how celebrations are different around the world.
We have started the term by finding out the story behind Bonfire Night.
In maths, we are continuing to explore numbers to 5. We are looking at being about the recognise a quantity without counting, how to correct write our numbers and how a number is made i.e. 1 + 2 = 3 and 0 + 3 = 3.
We will also be investigation 2D shapes and their properties this term.
In Read Write Inc this term, we will be continuing to learn our set one sounds. We will revisit previous sounds every day as well as learning new sounds to read and write and we are beginning to blend to read short words and segment to spell.
Please keep practising these at home every night.
Curriculum Day
Summer 2
Topic- Mini beasts, Pirates and Seasides.
We will be focusing on Mini beasts starting with the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar, followed by Yucky Worms. The first story looks at the lifecycle of a butterfly and the 2nd story looks at the features of worms, their habitats, food they eat and why we need worms.
Maths- We are looking at doubling, halving, sharing and grouping. We will also be looking at time and days of the week.
Literacy- We will be choosing our favourite mini beast and why. We will label the parts of a worm. We will make a fact file about worms. The children will continue with the Read Write Inc program for their phonics.
Understanding the World- We will find information about all differ types of mini beasts, their habitats and what they eat. We will be finding out about pirates, making maps and going on treasure hunts. We will look at different seasides and how they have changed over the years.
Expressive Art and Design- We will be making egg carton caterpillars, pipe cleaner worms, drawing treasure maps and painting a seaside.
Physical development- We will continue to make the most of our outdoor area now the weather is better, using the bikes and scooters. We will keep practising with our fine motor activities and developing our handwriting.
Communication and Language- The children will talk about what they know about mini beasts, facts and descriptions.
Personal Social and Emotional Development- They will continue to have circle time to talk about their feelings and concerns, looking at the school rules and how we can achieve them.
Dear Families,
Please find attached vocabulary lists to help you to support your child with their learning in Maths for the rest of the half term. If you are consistent with the language used in school, it will help your children with their understanding.
In Reception, children will be learning about: doubling, sharing, and patterns and their relationships. They will also be focusing on spatial reasoning and will be looking at time. Throughout the half term, there will be a continued focus on subitising and counting.
Thank you for your continued support.
Dear Families,
Please find below, a link to some key vocabulary that we will be using in our Maths lessons this half term. These will be updated regularly in line with the learning we are completing in the classroom. Please look at the language and definitions to support your child with their Maths at home. The children will be using this language in school and therefore, it will support their knowledge of what each word means if we use them both at home and at school. If you need any further support with these lists and using the language at home, please do contact Miss Archibald via the Office.
Thank you!
W/C 1st March - Number and Place Value
W/C 19th April -
Number and Place Value
Ark Farm Visit - 28/04/2021
Summer 1
Topic- Dinosaurs, Farms and Growing
We will be focusing on Dinosaurs starting with a story Dinosaur Roar which will then follow on with Dear Dinosaur. The first story looks at rhyming and the 2nd story looks at different ways to communicate.
Maths- We are looking at 20 and beyond. Using 10 frames to subtract and also looking at estimation.
Literacy- We will write an invitation to a dinosaur. We will label the parts of a dinosaur. The children will continue with the Read Write Inc program for their phonics.
Understanding the World- We will find information about dinosaurs, their habitats and what they eat. We will find out about Farms and what grows and how a farm works. We will be planting and growing sunflowers.
Expressive Art and Design- We will be making papier mache eggs, drawing dinosaurs and spilt pin dinosaurs.
Physical development- We will continue to make the most of our outdoor area now the weather is better, using the bikes and scooters. We will keep practising with our fine motor activities and developing our handwriting.
Communication and Language- The children will talk about what they know about dinosaurs, facts and descriptions.
Personal Social and Emotional Development- They will continue to have circle time to talk about their feelings and concerns, looking at the school rules and how we can achieve them.
Spring 2
Topic- Traditional Tales and Easter
We will be focusing on Traditional tales starting with a story about Mr Wolf’s Pancakes which will then follow on with The 3 Little pigs. All the stories will have the same character, a wolf, and we will compare him through the stories.
Maths- We are looking at representing and sorting 9 & 10, ordering numbers to 10 and the composition of 10.
Literacy- Through each of the stories we will look at the structure of the story, beginning, middle and end. We will look at the characters and how they were involved within the story. The children will continue with the Read Write Inc program for their phonics.
Understanding the World- We will find information about houses and building, the materials and construction. We will find out about Easter and the traditions.
Expressive Art and Design- We will be making a variety of animals form the story and building our own little houses. We will make an Easter card and decorate our eggs.
Physical development- We will continue to make the most of our outdoor area now the weather is better, using the bikes and scooters. We will keep practising with our fine motor activities and developing our handwriting.
Communication and Language- The children will talk about what they can know about different stories and act out with stories with props and masks.
Personal Social and Emotional Development- They will continue to have circle time to talk about their feelings and concerns, especially once back in school.
Spring 1
Topic- Antarctica
We will be looking at Antarctica and what lives there. We will make a fact file about the Emperor Penguin. We will look at Antarctica’s environment and how global warming is affecting the ice shelves.
Maths- We are looking at zero to five, comparing numbers and amounts. We are also looking at mass and capacity. We will be using 5 frames to find amounts.
Literacy- We will look at the book Lost and Found, The Emperors Egg and a variety of non-fiction books about Antarctica. We will be writing about the Antarctic. The children will continue with the Read Write Inc program for their phonics.
Understanding the World- We will find information about Antarctica and who lives there. We will use Purple Mash to design a penguin.
Expressive Art and Design- We will be creating pictures using a variety of techniques including tinting and shading. We will use blues and whites to make a gradual change of colour.
Physical development- We will continue to make the most of our outdoor area. We will have a fine motor station set up in classroom to include: tweezers, scissors, playdough and threading.
Communication and Language- The children will talk about what they can know about the Antarctic.
Personal Social and Emotional Development- They will continue to have circle time to talk about their feelings and concerns.
It's been a term week in Ash class this week.
We have enjoyed sharing our story ‘Whatever next!’
The children have been dressing up in spacesuits and flying off in the classroom rocket.
We have written a diary about the bear’s travel to the moon and made speech bubbles talking from the bear’s point of view.
In Maths, we have been looking at 5 frames. The children have been able to identify how many are on the 5 frame without counting. If the 5 frame was not full the children could recognise how many more they needed to fill it.
The children have been successful in subitising; they can recognise how many objects there are and how many they need.
We observed the 2 minute silence in our class on Wednesday at 11am and spoke about what the poppy means and why we buy poppies.
We listened to the story ‘Where the poppies now grow’ the children listened carefully and respectfully.
We have been enjoying the outside area and using the space to help our learning.
The children have been building sandcastles in our large sand pit and looking at objects that float or sink in the water tray.
The children have been using the crates to build a tower and added tubes to race objects down.