Copy of Curriculum

Our curriculum

For termly updates on what the children will be learning, please see your child's class page in the Pupil Zone!

For the latest homework, please login to your child's Tapestry account!

Please click the links below, for the annual plans, detailing what your child will be learning this year:

Curriculum Intent

  • Basic Skills

    Basic skills are really important and taught through hands on topic activities as well as daily lessons. Being able to read and write will give children access to the wider curriculum and improve their readiness for the next stage of their education.

  • RWI/Reading at home

    We use read Write Inc. to teach reading and writing. Children are assessed regularly and taught in small ability groups across the year group/key stage.

    Each child takes home a sound book and a RWI book bag book which matches their current phonics ability and is therefore decodable. Library books are also taken home to be shared with an adult. Regularly sharing books will support language development/concentration and a love of books and reading.

  • Maths

    We have written progression ladders/curriculum maps and a calculation policy to ensure next steps are identified and taught to ensure all children make good progress.

    Number sense is really important and we start in the early years by teaching the children to subitise…

    Maths working walls reflect the current learning – children are shown how to build it, draw it, say it, writ it.

    4 a day…

    I do,  you do, we do…

  • Wider Curriculum

    Other National Curriculum subjects including science, computing, art, D&T, Geography and history are taught through half termly topics which start with a big question to help engage and motivate but also remind us why the learning is important.

    Long term plans have been written for each year group which include enhancements including trips/events/opportunities to present to an audience…

    Science provides the basis for the majority of our topic work which allows us to make the very most of our school grounds to explore units including materials, plants, animals including their impact on our environment/world.

    Children are taught scientific skills which include asking questions, looking closely and investigating. All skills which will help children to become life-long learners and responsible citizens…

    Some subjects are taught as standalone subjects, this includes RE, PE, PSHE, RSE, Computing and music. Teachers use progression grids to plan a sequence of lessons and encourage children to practice their skills and knowledge.

Curriculum Implementation

  • Planning

    Half termly plans link learning activity and assessment opportunities which teachers use to make judgements about the children’s progress and attainment at the end of each term. Teachers identify learning objectives that need to be taught explicitly and those that can be taught and practiced through continuous provision. 

    Continuous Provision – is used throughout the school this allows children to practice and revisit taught skills and knowledge, while the teacher works with small groups 

    Provision inside and outside the classroom is enhanced to reflect the current learning and topic.

  • Hands on learning

    Young children are active learners and learn through doing. We use images and real objects to stimulate the children’s interest and encourage talk/discussion. Whenever possible adults show children how to create e.g. draw speech bubbles rather than print them – make a mask rather than use pre made.

  • Books and stories/Songs and poems

    We aim to use books and stories/songs and poems to introduce new learning and give learning a context. The brain prioritises story and therefore the use of books and stories aids memory and therefore learning.

    We have found that this is also an effective way of engaging children and revisiting learning. We plan to use audiences for the children’s work giving the children a purpose to practice and do their very best.

  • Language

    Word aware – explicit teaching of vocabulary 

    Language gap

  • Learning Journeys

    The year group plans are sequenced to encourage children to make connections and revisit previous learning. Half termly learning journeys are displayed in the classroom to support children to, make connections and review previous learning.

    Subject learning journeys are also used at the beginning of lessons to share vocabulary and show the children what they are working towards and What a Good One Looks Like/Beautiful work.

    Floor books are used to keep the previous learning journeys – these can be used by the children to look back on past learning/achievements and taken to the next class.

  • Assessment

    Planning is linked to assessment

    Tapestry is used to record children’s practical achievements 

    Teachers work with small groups so that children can receive feedback in the lesson and have the opportunity to respond to the feedback

    Teachers use a variety of ways to identify what the children know and their next steps

Curriculum Impact

  • All children:

    Learn to read and read to learn

    Have the vocabulary to communicate confidently and comprehend what they read

    Achieve and have memories of the feelings associated with this

    Are motivated and engaged in their learning

    Have a growth mind set – they know they can learn/achieve and create

    Have respect for themselves, others, animals and their world

    Develop a love of books, reading and learning 

    Connect ideas and ask questions to deepen and or clarify their thinking

    Make good progress

    Know the importance of keeping safe and healthy

Clarkson Infant and Nursery School
01945 584867
Trafford Road,
PE13 2ES
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