Blog Post

Sport Day!

  • by Jason Harper
  • 18 Jun, 2019

Friday 5th July

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
We would like to inform you that our sports day will be held Friday 5th July.
The event will begin at 1:15pm - gates will open at 1:05pm, (please note the change of time from on our newsletter) where tea, coffee and cake will be available for a small donation.
Please ensure your child is wearing appropriate clothing on the day, including appropriate footwear, and ideally a t-shirt in their house colour.
Please also make sure that children have enough water for the event, as well as a hat and sun cream if the sun is out.
School will finish at the normal time of 3pm and children will not be permitted to leave before this time.
We are looking forward to the event and do hope you can all make it!

Nursery AM and Nursery PM

We would like to inform you that our sports day will be held Friday 5th July.
The event will begin at 9:30am - gates will open at 9:15am, where coffee & tea will be available for a small donation.
Regardless of this special event the afternoon nursery session will be taking place as usual for afternoon children, as they will be leaving after sports day has finished. However, if your child will not be attending their usual afternoon session please complete the slip below and hand it to the school office.
I know some morning parents have asked if they can take their child earlier on this day. We are happy for you to do this but we also welcome the children to stay in nursery to receive the full session. If you would like to take your child early please ensure you inform a member of the nursery team or at the school office.
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