What is Pupil Premium?
‘The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers.’
Click here to view further information on Pupil Premium from the Department for Education:
There are three categories of children that qualify for Pupil Premium.
How is Pupil Premium used at Clarkson Infant School?
Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium on the needs they identify for their school. Each year we are required to publish how we intend to spend the following year's Pupil Premium and evaluate the previous year’s spending. There is no expectation that schools should spend the grant only on eligible pupils, or on a per eligible pupil basis. Please see the documents below for more information:
2024-2025 Pupil Premium Expenditure
Previous reports:
2023-2024 Pupil Premium Expenditure
2022-2023 Pupil Premium Expenditure
2021-2022 Pupil Premium Expenditure
Have your financial circumstances recently changed? Do you think that you might be eligible for Pupil Premium?
If you are, then your children will receive free school meals all the way through Primary School (not just at Clarkson Infant School but when they leave to attend a school for Year 3 upwards too). This funding is known as Pupil Premium and brings in up to an additional £1320 per child that is registered.
Your child might be eligible for Pupil Premium funding if you receive one of the following benefits:
If you think that you might be eligible you can apply in minutes using the link below: https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/residents/children-and-families/schools-learning/help-with-school-learning-costs/pupil-premium
Who can I speak to about Pupil Premium funding?
Miss Archibald is responsible for managing Pupil Premium Funding.
Miss Williamson or Miss King, our school office staff, can offer advice on how to apply for this funding if you think you may be entitled to it.